Female upper body close up in pink tank top

Breast lift surgery, also called mastopexy, is a popular procedure chosen by women who wish to restore a more youthful contour to their chest. Over 150,000 women underwent breast lifts in 2023, making it the fourth most popular cosmetic surgery overall. However, when deciding if they’d like to take advantage of the benefits that a breast lift has to offer, many women express concern about the safety of the procedure. In this blog, we’ll go over some of the potential complications of breast lift surgery to help you determine if it’s the right cosmetic procedure for you. 

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Are Breast Lifts Dangerous?

Like any surgery, cosmetic or otherwise, breast lift procedures come with the potential for complications. But does that make the surgery inherently dangerous? By definition of the percentage of complications, no. However, it’s up to you to be aware of the risks and decide for yourself if a breast lift is something you wish to undergo. Below, we describe some of the possible issues you could encounter related to your breast lift surgery.

Anesthesia Risks

Breast lift surgery is performed using general anesthesia, which is used in thousands of surgical procedures each day. While many people are apprehensive about “going under” for surgery, general anesthesia is extremely safe. Less than one percent of patients are at risk for serious complications, and under five percent typically experience any post-surgery side effects from anesthesia.

However, it is important to be honest with your surgeon about your overall health and medical history, as anesthesia risks are higher in people who are obese, smoke, or drink heavily, or those suffering from conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and allergies to certain medications. It’s also important to be completely honest about any medications you’re taking to prevent any interactions with the anesthesia, as well as follow pre-surgery protocols exactly.

Unfavorable Side Effects

All surgeries come with the risk of unfavorable side effects, but if you are healthy going into surgery and closely follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions, the potential for side effects is much less. Some possible side effects of a breast lift include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Hematoma (blood under the skin’s surface)
  • Seroma (buildup of fluid under the skin)
  • Tissue necrosis (tissue death due to poor circulation)
  • Loss of areola or nipple
  • Blood clots

While some of these side effects are serious, keep in mind that they rarely happen when you are under the care of an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon. If you have any concerns during your recovery, contact your surgeon immediately.

Poor Wound Healing

When determining if you are a good candidate for breast lift surgery, your surgeon will go over your health history and determine if you have any risk factors that may affect the surgery or healing process. Poor wound healing can be the result of health conditions or unhealthy habits, which may cause more visible scarring or other complications. Some of the risk factors for poor wound healing include:

  • Smoking: Nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict, preventing adequate oxygen and vital nutrients from reaching the incision site and inhibiting healing.
  • Diabetes: Diabetes also affects circulation and makes the white blood cells essential to healing less effective.
  • Excess Weight: Being overweight puts additional pressure on the incisions, slowing healing. Additionally, incisions in skin folds (like under the breast crease) may take longer to heal and be more vulnerable to infection because of skin breakdown and continuous friction.


The incision type used for your breast lift depends on the degree of sagging and the amount of correction needed. A standard breast lift incision, also called an anchor incision, involves an incision around the outside of your areola, vertically from your areola to the breast crease, and horizontally across the breast crease (creating the shape of an anchor). These incisions are thin and hidden as much as possible, but you will see scars after your surgery. Ensuring you follow your surgeon’s instructions for caring for your incisions during recovery will help ensure that your wound heals properly, resulting in minimal scarring. Additionally, you can use scar gels, creams, or silicone strips to further lessen the visibility of your scars.

Changes in Sensation

One side effect of a breast lift is changes in nipple or breast sensation. During surgery, the nerves around the nipple and surface of the breast are manipulated and stretched, which can cause temporary nerve damage. Numbness, tingling, or both are common for a time after your breast lift as the nerves heal and regenerate their protective coating. For some women, the change in sensation is temporary, but some also experience permanent changes.

Unsatisfactory Results

When you undergo cosmetic surgery, no matter what kind, you run the risk of receiving unsatisfactory results. Sometimes, this is because of the skill of the surgeon, or it can also be due to poor aftercare, insufficient communication between patient and surgeon, or unrealistic expectations. In some cases, side effects after a breast lift are inevitable. Your results will be affected, leaving you with asymmetrical breasts or complications that impact healing, scarring, or loss of sensation. However, choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in breast lift procedures dramatically reduces the chances of an unsatisfactory outcome.

Learn More About Breast Lift Surgery in Ladera Ranch

When you’re ready to elevate your breasts to a more youthful position, it’s time to consider a breast lift. Are you still concerned about the safety of the procedure? When you come in for a consultation with Dr. Doezie, he will answer all your questions, address your concerns, and put your mind at ease about the procedure. Dr. Doezie’s expertise and skill in performing breast lift surgery ensures that you will receive stunning results in the safest manner possible. To schedule an appointment, call our office today at 949.481.9850 or complete the online contact form.