close up of woman's breasts in white bra against

Since breast lift surgery can be a big emotional, financial, and time-consuming investment, many women want to know if the results of the procedure are worthwhile. This blog discusses why women choose to get breast lift surgery, things to consider before getting a breast lift, and what makes a breast lift worthwhile for so many.

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Choosing Breast Lift Surgery

Many women wish to have full, perky breasts. Yet even for those whose breasts naturally have that appearance, it rarely lasts. Over time, as women age and some breastfeed their children, gravity tends to take its toll on the breasts. This often results in sagging skin and the appearance of deflated, droopy breasts. Additionally, women with sagging breasts frequently have downward-facing nipples that emphasize the drooping appearance. For women dealing with sagging, excess skin around the breasts, breast lift surgery can be an appealing option.


Getting a breast lift is often a big decision for many women. Factors such as cost, recovery time, and scars usually hold a lot of weight in how women make their decisions. Ultimately, choosing to get breast lift surgery is a personal decision, and each woman will need to decide for herself if the surgery is worthwhile.

Things to Consider Before Breast Lift Surgery

For many people, the biggest cons of any surgical procedure are the cost, how much downtime is needed, and how visible the scarring will be. Women considering breast lift surgery must understand these factors and accept that they will be a part of the process if they choose to proceed with breast lift surgery.


Your breast lift surgery cost will depend on your location and surgeon’s expertise. However, it is essential to note that the cost of surgery isn’t the only price to factor in. You will also need to prepare for medical tests (sometimes needed before surgery), anesthesia fees, surgical facility costs, compression bras (for recovery), and prescription medications.


Since the total cost of a breast lift can be a large investment, it’s important to ensure you are financially prepared. Women who are certain that they want the results that only breast lift surgery can achieve are often able to accept the financial cost as a worthwhile trade-off.

Recovery Time

You can expect to need around six to eight weeks to recover from breast lift surgery fully. Many breast lift patients can return to light activities and office jobs around one week after surgery. Women considering breast lift surgery should make sure they can take time off work and other daily responsibilities for the allotted recovery period.


Many women are concerned about the scars that breast lift incisions will leave. It’s important to understand that scarring is an inevitable part of breast lift surgery. That being said, most scars do fade with time. During your breast lift consultation, ask your surgeon about your incision options and tell them if scarring is your main concern.

What Makes a Breast Lift Worth It?

While numerous factors go into a woman deciding to get a breast lift, a unanimous factor tends to be that they want the stunning, lifted results that only breast lift surgery can provide.

Elevated Breasts

The underlying breast tissue is repositioned with breast lift surgery for a fuller chest appearance. Excess sagging skin is trimmed off, and the remaining skin is pulled down and tightened. This process eliminates the appearance of sagging, drooping breasts, resulting in fuller, perky breasts. Many women enjoy how their rejuvenated breasts give them a more youthful appearance while still looking very natural.

Improved Nipples & Areolas

Many women expect to have their breasts rest at an elevated position after a breast lift. Yet, not everyone is familiar with how the aesthetic of the nipples and areolas are improved with this surgery. Sagging breasts often cause the nipple-areola complex to droop towards the bottom of the breasts. During a breast lift, your surgeon will reposition the nipple and areola to suit the newly lifted breasts better. If desired, your surgeon can also resize the areola and make it smaller to complement your breast lift results.

Long-Lasting, Lifted Results

A breast lift is a surgical procedure with results that are meant to last a long time. The improvements made to your breasts can often be enjoyed for over a decade if you maintain a stable weight and do not have subsequent pregnancies. Since a breast lift does not stop you from naturally aging, you can expect some changes to occur over time as you naturally lose skin laxity slowly. However, you should be able to enjoy your breast lift results for many years.

Expanded Wardrobe Options

Sagging breasts can make it difficult to find bras, swimsuits, and tops that fit well. Some women may feel like they can no longer wear the clothes they want to once their breasts start to sag. After breast lift surgery, many women believe that their clothing options are expanded now that they have perky, youthful-looking breasts.  Finding clothing that comfortably fits around the chest well and shows off your results can be easier.

Increased Confidence

Breast lift patients often feel a large boost of confidence after their procedure once they can enjoy their results. Especially for women who have been self-conscious of their sagging breasts for a long time, a breast lift can do wonders for self-esteem and empower you to feel confident in your body. A large reason why many women seek out breast lift surgery is because they know that they will feel more confident in their bodies and themselves, and that makes the whole breast lift process worth it for them.

Have More Questions about Breast Lift Surgery in Ladera Ranch, CA?

If you’re considering breast lift surgery and want to know more about it, you can contact Mission Plastic Surgery by calling (949) 481-9850 or filling out our online contact form. Our staff can provide you with more information on breast lifts to help you decide if the procedure is right for you.


Those ready to start their breast lift journeys can schedule a consultation with Dr. Doezie to learn if you’re a good candidate. You’ll discuss your medical history, concerns, and surgical goals during your consultation. Once you are determined to be a breast lift candidate, Dr. Doezie will create a customized treatment plan to achieve your desired breast results.