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Breast Implant Removal in Orange County

Some people find that breast implants are not what they are looking for. Unfortunately, some people only determine that after they have a breast augmentation procedure. Fortunately, breast implants that go in the breasts can also come out. Some people prefer to return to their natural breast shape and size; others don't like the hassle of periodic doctor visits to check for potential breast implant complications.

No matter what your reason is, Dr. Doezie can remove your unwanted breast implants with a breast revision procedure known as breast implant explantation.

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Should I have my Breast Implants Removed?

If you have any of the following concerns or changes, you may want to consider breast implant removal (explantation).

Lifestyle and Preference Changes

Some people desire smaller breasts as a result of lifestyle changes. Women who become more active may find that larger breasts can make exercise more demanding.

Other women may decide that larger breasts as a result of implants no longer fit their self-image. These patients may be interested in an implant size change procedure rather than complete reversal of their breast implant surgery.

Over time, others may determine that they prefer a more natural, less augmented appearance.

Unhappy With Breast Size

Implants can successfully enlarge the breasts, but women may realize that larger breasts are not what they want. Whether soon after their surgery or over time, some women decide that enlarged breasts are more of a hassle than they're worth.

In some cases, weight gain can cause the breasts to enlarge past the point the patient desires. This may result in lower back pain and other undesirable consequences. Having the breast implants removed, potentially in conjunction with a breast reduction procedure, will reduce the size of the breasts. This may alleviate the unwanted side effects associated with the weight of large breasts.

Aging Breasts

As breasts age, they naturally begin to stretch and sag. Unfortunately, breasts enlarged by implants are more prone to sagging due to both the tissue stretching to accommodate the implant as well as the weight of the implant. While many women are happy with their implants initially, over time, they may decide that the benefits no longer outweigh the costs.

For those who wish to avoid, reduce, or reverse breast sagging, breast implant removal is an option. Depending on their individual preferences, some patients may want to have breast lift surgery done at the same time to address breast sagging more proactively.

Implant Complications

Breast implants may cause unwanted medical complications that can be treated by removing them. Common reasons to remove breast implants include an implant rupture, implant positioning issues, and the development of capsular contracture. These implant complications may result in breasts that appear deflated, deformed, or hardened, and they require breast revision to correct.

Some women choose to have their implants removed to see if it improves their health in other areas. While no scientific studies have proven a link, limited anecdotal evidence suggests that removing breast implants may partially address specific autoimmune issues (breast implant illness).

How Is Breast Implant Removal Performed In Orange County?

Where Are the Incisions Placed for Breast Implant Removal?

Inframammary (IMF) incisions are used along the lower breast crease to avoid indentation, which may result from an areolar extraction.

Where possible, Dr. Doezie will remove the implant in the same area where there is already a scar.

What Techniques Can Be Used for Implant Removal?

After the incision, the implants are removed.

The capsule, a pocket of tissue that encompasses the implant, may be removed in a procedure called a capsulectomy if necessary. The capsule only needs to be removed if it is large, calcified, or infected.

If the capsule is small and healthy, Dr. Doezie may leave it in place to reduce the amount of tissue removed, which lessens the risk of contour irregularities and shortens the recovery time needed.

What Procedures Can I Combine With My Breast Implant Removal?

Breast Lift: Getting breast implants removed may not adequately address all of a patient's concerns. If the patient also wants to reduce breast sagging, a breast lift procedure may be performed in concert with breast implant removal surgery.

Fat Grafting: If the patient no longer wants implants but still desires larger and more voluptuous breasts, a fat graft (transfer) may be ideal. Fat transfer involves taking fat from one area of the body, purifying it, and injecting the cleansed fat into the breasts. This enhances the volume of the breasts after implant removal and may help reduce indentations and sagging that may otherwise result from having implants long term.

Breast Implant Removal Before & After Photos

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most common reason for breast implant removal?

The majority of breast augmentation patients who want their implants removed are looking to restore a more natural appearance. They may realize immediately that breast augmentation wasn't right for them, or they may be tired of their implants due to aging.

What is the most common breast implant complication?

Capsular contracture is the most common issue that occurs after breast augmentation, and the exact cause of it is unknown. This condition is characterized by tightening of the tissue capsule around the implant, which may cause the breast to become hard, painful, and distorted. Patients who suffer from this and other implant complications may choose to remove their implants and eliminate the risk of another complication and the need for repeat surgeries.

What is recovery like after breast implant removal?

Initial recovery after breast implant removal can be one to two weeks depending on procedures performed. We suggest that you refrain from vigorous activities, including physical work. For jobs that are not physically demanding, it will be possible to return to work within one week or a few days. Initially, a compression garment should be worn. Swelling will occur during the first six weeks after the surgery.

How much does it cost to have breast implants removed in Orange County?

The price range for breast implant removal surgery is $2,900 to $9,800 depending on the difficulty of the surgery and what other procedures are involved. This cost of breast implant removal surgery can vary greatly depending on the facility chosen, whether the operation is performed under general or local anesthesia, and the complexity of the specific procedure. Procedure combinations will also affect the price.

For a personalized quote on the price of your breast implant removal procedure, contact Dr. Doezie directly for a consultation at his Newport Beach or Ladera Ranch office.

You can also read our blog about breast implant removal with local anesthesia for more information.

How long do the results of breast implant removal surgery last?

The results of a breast implant removal are permanent unless a new implant is inserted at a later date or another plastic surgery procedure is done on the breasts.

Can I have breast implant removal if I had breast reconstruction using implants?

Breast reconstruction is often performed using breast implants to recreate a natural breast shape and size after breast cancer and mastectomy. However, just as with breast augmentation, the results of breast reconstruction surgery may not be what you expected, in which case breast implant removal can be performed.

Can I also have fat transferred to other areas if I am undergoing fat transfer to the breasts?

Yes. Fat may be transferred to your breasts, face, hands, or buttocks. Fat transfer may also be used to treat indented scars or areas that have atrophied due to trauma.

What are the risks associated with breast implant removal surgery?

Risks specific to breast implant removal include:

  • Unfavorable contouring of the breast
  • Breast 'caving,' which may cause an unfavorable look
  • Increased breast sagging

Risks associated with surgical procedures in general include:

  • Unfavorable scarring
  • Bleeding
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Abnormal reaction to anesthesia
  • Fluid accumulation

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