Many people desire smooth, blemish-free skin. Yet almost no one naturally has perfect skin without getting some sort of treatment assistance. Some people are also more susceptible to skin problems such as acne scars, large pores, pigmentation issues, and sun damage, all of which can occur at nearly any age. Additionally, you become more likely to develop lax skin, fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots as you get older.

While skin imperfections can be bothersome to look at every day and may diminish self-confidence, many people are unwilling to undergo invasive or surgical procedures that require significant recovery time. This is why CoolPeel® CO2 laser treatment provides the perfect skin rejuvenation opportunity by providing stunning skin improvement results without any required downtime.

What Is CoolPeel® CO2 Laser Treatment?

A skin resurfacing procedure that removes the outer damaged layer of skin, CoolPeel® CO2 laser treatment reveals smoother, healthier-looking skin underneath. With CoolPeel® treatment, the CO2 laser does not cause thermal damage to the skin, resulting in a significantly shorter recovery period than other skin resurfacing treatments.

The CoolPeel® CO2 laser can do versatile treatments, treating wrinkles and fine lines in older patients and improving skin texture in younger patients. In some cases, CoolPeel® CO2 laser treatment may be combined with microneedling to achieve the best results.

CoolPeel® is the only CO2 laser treatment that can provide superficial ablation results without any recovery downtime.

Am I a Candidate for CoolPeel® CO2 Laser Treatment?

You may be a candidate for CoolPeel® CO2 laser treatment if you:

  • Have wrinkles or fine lines
  • Have sun damage
  • Have large pores
  • Want to improve skin tone and/or texture
  • Want skin resurfacing results with no thermal damage
  • Want healthier, younger-looking skin

Schedule your consultation with Mission Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center to learn if you’re a good candidate for CoolPeel® CO2 laser treatment.

How Is CoolPeel® CO2 Laser Treatment Performed?

The treatment may be performed with or without numbing, depending on the patient’s preference. The CO2 laser is turned to the desired setting, based on what skin concerns you are getting treated, and the laser is passed over the skin. The laser targets the superficial layer of the skin, allowing the damaged skin with imperfections to be removed. The result is smoother, healthier, youthful-looking skin.

Depending on the treatment area and the desired results, a CoolPeel® treatment session may take 5 to 15 minutes. Multiple sessions may be needed to get the best possible results.

What Is the Recovery From CoolPeel® CO2 Laser Treatment Like?

There is virtually no downtime associated with CoolPeel® CO2 laser treatment. You can expect your skin to be red in a similar way to if you got a sunburn for around 24 hours after your appointment, but this is temporary and should fade within one to two days. The treatment area may also feel dry right after your session, so it’s essential to keep your skin properly hydrated and moisturized. Patients are able to return to work and their regular activities immediately following their treatment session.

What Results Can I Expect From CoolPeel® CO2 Laser Treatment?

Patients can typically see a difference in their skin right after treatment. However, most patients see smooth, glowy results around three to four days after their treatment session. After CoolPeel® treatment, patients can expect to see brighter, smoother, refreshed skin. Patients may choose to have regular treatment sessions to maintain their CoolPeel® results.

Interested in CoolPeel® CO2 Laser Treatment in Ladera Ranch, CA?

To learn more about CoolPeel® CO2 laser treatment and start your skin rejuvenation journey, call Mission Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center at 949-481-9850 or fill out our online contact form today.